Dutch participate
Holding BV


Dutch Participate Holding B.V. is a Dutch company incorporated in The Netherlands. The company is created to generate returns by investing in corporations and institutions worldwide that have substantial value adding capabilities. Dutch Participate Holding B.V. is not a bank. The company does not give loans as part of its normal business. The company makes venture capital available in exchange for shareholding positions and takes an active role, with the help of its advisors, in guiding corporations and institutions towards a profitable future.

utch, real, estate, participate, holding
investment decisions are not only driven by economic criteria

Modus Operandi

The modus operandi of the company includes a preference for initial majority positions that can be called back upon the beneficiary hitting agreed performance criteria.

Create new patterns of value

Dutch Participate Holding B.V. is actively looking for investment opportunities that combine entrepreneurial capabilities, new technologies, vested market positions and international brands to create new patterns of value creation for shareholders.


The origin and character of the company requires the beneficiary to understand that investment decisions are not only driven by economic criteria but also, and even more so, by mutual respect and appreciation of the character of the company, including the application of the company’s protocol when required.

Become involved?

Corporations and institutions, interested to present their business case to the company are suggested to summarise their business case and resulting financial scenarios for a first screening by the exclusive advisor of the company.

When an initial interest to become involved is acknowledged a first meeting with representative of the company will take place. The final investment decision is made by the Board of the company after the satisfactory conclusion of the commercial evaluation and the due diligence procedure.

Generate returns by investing in corporations and institutions worldwide
